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A reminder about hygiene and sanitization during Covid-19

by Simone Resende 29 Mar 2020 0 Comments

PMUs and Body Tattooing technicians know well the importance of routine hygiene procedures before and after every single client.

But since after the Coronavirus pandemic, we came to the realization that now more than ever, we will have to be more diligent about the risks of contamination of airborne viruses, fungi, bacteria and the like while handling our PMU and tattooing instruments so we can better protect us, our families, and specially, our clients.

We put together some sanitation steps we can follow as precaution and prevention:

1. Use disposable tools: wands, tissues, brushes, spatulas, tweezers, plastic cups, cotton balls, needles, blades, microblading tool, bed covers, hair caps, gowns, gloves, masks, etc.

2. Disinfect equipment and non-critical instruments, environmental surfaces and tools with Madacide, Cavicide or any other effective hospital-level, bactericide, virucide and fungicide. Madacide and Cavicide are highly recommended by the Florida Department of Health Environmental Health.

3. Cover light fixtures, spray bottles, the device’s pen, your stool bench, and use cord sleeve covers. A new plastic wrap/cord sleeve covers should be used for each client.

4. Clean and disinfect your work area, the bed, the client’s chair, and doorknobs for each client. Isopropyl Alcohol 70% can also be used.

5. Wrap containers for dispensing topicals and pigments after each client.

6. Always dispose of sharps (needles, blades, scalpels, rigid plastic vials etc.) in the rigid red sharps container. And dispose of gowns, gloves, hair cap, mouth cover, swabs, blood-soaked cotton pads, wipes and cotton balls etc. in the red biohazard bag. Give your contaminated items to a licensed biomedical waste pick up company or medical facility. Caution: Do not throw them in the regular garbage.

7. Once you have everything sanitized and are ready to start the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap, dry with paper towel, wear your disposable gloves and disinfect them with rubbing alcohol 70% or hand sanitizer. Change your gloves as many times as necessary during the procedure.

8. Instruct your clients to proper handwashing and educate them to avoid touching the area being treated.

9. Give your clients aftercare/homecare instructions.

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